Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Pt. 1 Egg Hunt

There are three parts to our Easter blogposts, the first being the Easter egg hunt held for the kids in our church on Saturday March 22nd. We had a blast watching little kids, and one of our own, and eating lots of candy!

Before our hunt began, Evan plotted to steal a pink egg from the children.

Lots of children, and some adults, return to show off their treasures.

Wow, Emily gathered a lot of shiny, plastic eggs!

Emily and Bailey both found golden eggs with $5 in them! [yes, I realize that Bailey doesn't go to our church, she spent the night before with Emily]

Little Austin Bame managed to gather quite a few eggs.

And so did our friend, Morgan!

Anna Davis(r) and Kailey Childress enjoyed the pizza afterward! We had a great time helping out with the egg hunt are looking forward to next year!

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