Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Emily!

Today Emily Grace turns 12! Here are some pictures of her birthday celebrations:

We celebrated Dad's, Emily's, and Papaw Joe's birthdays while we were in the Outer Banks.

Emily at home surrounded by birthday gifts! Notice that there are more clothes than toys, our little girl is growing up!

I used my [limited] artistic ability to shout to the world , via the driveway, that Emily's birthday is today!

To commemorate Emily's birthday, we ate dinner by candlelight. Happy Birthday Emily, I love you and I can't imagine life without you!


Anonymous said...

Yo Yo Yo E-Dawg,
Hope your birthday is slammin'!

Your homies,
Naz-T and LeBlanc

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Em,

I am so glad we got to celebrate your birthday with you at Cape Hatteras even if it was a "little" early.
You are so special to us!

We love you LOTS and miss you LOTS!

Papaw Joe and Granny

Brian and Cara said...

Happy Birthday Emily!! We love you! ~Cara, Brian, Samuel, Abby, Isabelle and Claire